Wednesday, June 29, 2016


A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner.

Originally shared by Lady

A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves.



Originally shared by ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΜΠΕΡΜΠΕΡΙΔΗΣ


Originally shared by Amir Fathi



Originally shared by Adel Alrmal


Originally shared by 李森林

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mother Teresa Says: "These are the few ways we can practice humility:

Originally shared by Lady

Mother Teresa Says: "These are the few ways we can practice humility:

To speak as little as possible of one's self. To mind one's own business. Not to want to manage other people's affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on one's dignity. To choose always the hardest."


Originally shared by Doraide Salamanca

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Originally shared by Lady

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him"

Нежность ...

Originally shared by nicolaie andrei-barbu

"The best act of worship is watchfulness of the moments.

Originally shared by Lady

"The best act of worship is watchfulness of the moments.
That is, that the servant not look beyond his limit, and not
contemplate anything other than his Lord, and not associate
with anything other than his present moment."

An entheogen ("*generating the divine within*") is a chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic,...

Originally shared by Dumuzi (shep)

An entheogen ("*generating the divine within*") is a chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context that may be synthesized or obtained from natural species. The chemical induces altered states of consciousness, psychological or physiological (e.g., bullet ant venom used by the Satere-Mawe people). Entheogens can supplement many diverse practices for transcendence, and revelation, including meditationyoga, and prayer, psychedelic and visionary art, chanting, and music including peyote song and psytrance, traditional medicine and psychedelic therapy, witchcraft, magic, and psychonautics.

Entheogens have been used in a ritualized context for thousands of years; their religious significance is well established in anthropological and modern evidences. Examples of traditional entheogens include psychedelics like peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and ayahuasca, psychedelic-dissociatives like Tabernanthe iboga, atypical psychedelics like Salvia divinorum, quasi-psychedelics like cannabis and Ipomoea tricolor, deliriants like Amanita muscaria. Traditionally a tea, admixture, or potion like ayahuasca or bhang have been compounded through the work of a shaman or apothecary.

With the advent of organic chemistry, there now exist many synthetic drugs with similar psychoactive properties, many derived from these plants. Many pure active compoundswith psychoactive properties have been isolated from these respective organisms and chemically synthesized, including mescaline, psilocybin, DMT, salvinorin A, ibogaine, ergine, and muscimol. Semi-synthetic (e.g.,LSD used by the Neo-American Church) and synthetic drugs (e.g., DPT used by the Temple of the True Inner Light and 2C-B used by the Sangoma) have also been developed. Cannabis is the world's most widely used psychedelic drug and part of the cannabis culture, while medical cannabis have contributed to the development of modern drug paraphernalia like the vaporizer used by hospitals. However, Cannabis is always considered a quasi-psychedelic drug, even with cannabis strains that have been bred to intensify the psychedelic characteristics.

More broadly, the term entheogen is used to refer to any psychoactive drugs when used for their religious or spiritual effects, whether or not in a formal religious or traditional structure. This terminology is often chosen to contrast with recreational use of the same drugs. Studies such as Timothy Leary's Marsh Chapel Experiment and Roland Griffiths' psilocybin studies at Johns Hopkins have documented reports of mystical/spiritual/religious experiences from participants who were administered psychoactive drugs in controlled trials. Ongoing research is limited due to widespread drug prohibition; however, some countries have legislation that allows for traditional entheogen use.

( Mimosa tenuiflora)

Northern Bali, Indonesia by Travis Burke

Originally shared by Sig Nordal, Jr.

Northern Bali, Indonesia by Travis Burke


Originally shared by Galina Korjakovceva


Monday, June 27, 2016

Доброе утро, друзья!

Originally shared by Алина Сибирская

Доброе утро, друзья!
Свежее, новое, прохладное только что родившееся утро!))))


Originally shared by Инна Я

"Time to run!"

Originally shared by Estefanía Sostre

"Time to run!"
#Cheetah #BigCats

Proverbs 19:1 KJV

Originally shared by Lady

Proverbs 19:1 KJV
Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

Psalm 42:1 KJV

Originally shared by Lady

Psalm 42:1 KJV
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.


Originally shared by Maia N


Originally shared by Miroca Duarte

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Originally shared by Krika


Originally shared by Dragica Hamzagic


Ромашкового настроения!!!

Originally shared by Галина Косарева

Ромашкового настроения!!!

А у меня такое настроенье!
А у меня цветут в душе цветы!
А у меня в душе цветут ромашки!
И в трепете нежнейших лепестков,
В сердечках желтых, в стебельках изящных -
Мой чистый мир – как воплощенье снов…
А у меня в груди гуляет ветер,
Несущий легкий аромат лугов,
И сладость пряных утренних рассветов,
Хмельную свежесть горных родников…
А у меня такое настроенье!


Originally shared by Discover Russia

Evening on the lake Kucherla. Altai Mountains.


Originally shared by DAVID K


Originally shared by null

Pequeninos folgados , rsrs

Originally shared by ceni glória de souza

Pequeninos folgados , rsrs


Originally shared by Oleg Kiselew


Originally shared by Valdir Cleto


Originally shared by MAGGIE E.


Originally shared by null


Originally shared by Antonia Parra



Originally shared by Anna Victoria


Originally shared by Krika


Originally shared by Meury S.L.


Originally shared by Krika

On a scale of 1-10, how beautiful is this little Appaloosa Stallion

Originally shared by Amusing Feed

On a scale of 1-10, how beautiful is this little Appaloosa Stallion

Please Follow:- Amusing Feed

fluffy flamingo

Originally shared by Svetlana Lazko

fluffy flamingo
by Valerie

Родственные души

Originally shared by nicolaie andrei-barbu

Susan L. Taylor says : "The more we nourish our internal world, the more powerful we grow in the external world."

Originally shared by Lady

Susan L. Taylor says : "The more we nourish our internal world, the more powerful we grow in the external world."

Annamalai Swami says : "When you know that everything that is happening is only appearing on the screen of...

Originally shared by Lady

Annamalai Swami says : "When you know that everything that is happening is only appearing on the screen of consciousness, and that you yourself are the screen on which it all appears, nothing can touch you, harm you or make you afraid."

Things don't change, only the way you look at them. By Carlos Castaneda

Originally shared by Lady

Things don't change, only the way you look at them. By Carlos Castaneda


Originally shared by Nick Mare


Originally shared by France Michaud Knapp


Originally shared by shirin bano



Colorado River

Originally shared by anastasia kokkinidou

Colorado River


Originally shared by 林雅


Originally shared by null
