Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Trogon, Comptus

Originally shared by Cristina Aroni

Trogon, Comptus


  1. You're still alive, good. Me too, but these psychos with these weapons just won't stop and are not being stopped quick enough.

  2. Deborah Anne Weber Hey Debb,..Yes I am still alive but something happened. After I posted a few posts against Hillary Clinton Google suspended me for two weeks by falsely accusing me of "spamming" but not giving me any details or any evidence based information.

    During my temporary suspension I did a bit of homework and I discovered that Google had been conducting some unethical and deceptive activities, (suspensions included), against anti-Hillary activists / anti-Obama activists (which I was also doing),

    In addition, I also discovered that google searches were geared, (fixed), towards concealing anti Hillary information and towards promoting pro-Hillary information. One person even put information of this type on a video and posted it on the web. Now I have proof of my claims against Goolge.

    Further search into these matters revealed that Hillary had hired a high level tech person from Google for her campaign...Duh...!!!. This was also posted all over the web, especially in articles criticizing the deceptive practices of her campaign.

    I was very happy to find out that she was recently sued for voting fraud and that the hacker who was also "fixing" things for her was spilling the beans and had ties to her campaign. I can not wait to see her ass in the big house and not in the white house.

    A few days ago,Wiki Leaks also announced the pending release of additional emails against her ass that would land her to the big house and prevent her from ending up in the white house.

    This country does need a woman for a president...but she is not that woman.

    In order to protect my work I backed up everything. for all the obvious reasons

    I hope that answered your question about my two week absence.

    Your friend

  3. It sure did, good for you Eleni. Google has been suspicious for a very, very long time. I don't know if it was some of their engineers or that they went after the real CEO and put in a criminal or criminal team. Many of us would post and our posts would change before our eyes. It's a shame as Google was originally great but got taken over by the domestic treasonous terrorists.

    They would alter my content and block anything about exposing Dianne Feinstein's war crimes and her illeg son trying to steal my identity, my work and he being the real Tim Osman.....

    I closed my FB account nearly a year ago. I have a dummy account in another name I use to find my son. FB would suspend my account for wait for it.... "nudity" lol. I never posted nude pictures, but the domestic terrorists create numerous accounts using our pictures to create a fake digital trail to us to try and frame us for their war and hate-crimes. They would do this to many TIs, Twitter will post fake posts and Google as I said before.

    This is so stupid to let this domestic terrorist trailer trash or whatever trash or nouveau riche trash live for one f'ng moment. This just makes everyone hate and distrust America.

    I'm glad you are ok and good for you.

    Your friend always,
